Breaking New: Jason Kelce Says He’s ‘Tired of Country Music and What It Has Become’

Breaking New: Jason Kelce Says He’s ‘Tired of Country Music and What It Has Become’

Jason Kelce attends Thursday Night Football Presents The World Premiere of "Kelce"

Jason Kelce admits he’s not a fan of modern country music.

On the June 19 episode of his and brother Travis Kelce’s podcast New Heights, the newly retired Philadelphia Eagles player, 36, discussed what it would be like if the siblings visited the future, and what music might look like at the time.

“I feel like I can’t go into the future because even trying to relate to, like, kids coming up now… I can’t even think about kids 40 years from now. Like, this is gonna be weird,” Jason said, adding, “What’s the music gonna be in 40 years?”

Jason then discussed his thoughts on different genres of music today, such as hip-hop and country.

Jason Kelce (left); Travis Kelce

“Hip-hop in the nineties and hip-hop in the eighties when it was done by, like, dudes that were living that life hits way different than, like, now when it’s like auto-tune renditions,” he said. “It’s the same thing in country music. If I have to hear one more country song that’s like, ‘I got my boots in my truck going through the fields.’ Like, what the f— are we talking about? That’s not country music. That’s not country music.”

“Put on some f—— Willie Nelson,” Jason added. “I am tired of country music and what it has become. It is horse—-. Horse—-.”

Travis, 34, added that he “like[s] some of the country music coming out,” and the brothers agreed on a few singers in the genre they enjoy.

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